Don’t Ignore a Problem with Your Roof

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Don’t Ignore a Problem with Your Roof
Have you ever heard the saying, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it?” This doesn’t exactly apply to your roof, unfortunately.
When it comes to your roof, you should try to get to the problem and fix it long before it actually breaks. This can be the difference between a small, easy repair and a costly renovation. Your roof will show you signs that it’s struggling even before the flood gates open up. Before your leaf has a problematic leak, it will have some other problematic symptoms of a leak. You should be on the lookout for:
- Leaks. Even small leaks turn into significant leaks. In fact, it’s almost more rare for a giant leak to come out of nowhere–typically, all leaks have a small leak in the beginning.
- Cracks. If you’re noticing cracks but no leaking, it may just be because you’re in a dry season. When the rain starts to pick up again, the cracks will likely begin leaking.
- Droopy ceilings. If you touch a part of your ceiling and it begins to jiggle, there’s only a little time left before it completely bursts!
- Discoloration. This could mean many things, but typically it might mean water is gathering in one place on your roof, which will put pressure on that part of the structure. A discolored patch may be the first sign that something isn’t going well drainage wise.
We don’t have to tell you that ignored problems just don’t go away, no matter how much we hope they do. Often, they actually come back more challenging to handle than they would have been before. We understand if you don’t have the time or resources to get your roof fixed today. However, make sure it’s on your list of priorities!
We’re more than happy to check out whatever drips or leaks are threatening the safety of your business. If you are interested in learning about the various roofing systems or installing a solar system on your commercial or industrial building(s), call Just Leaks at (408) 249-4646 for an in-person consultation. Or visit us online at our website or our Facebook page.