Now is the Time to Report a Drip

Photo by Luke Southern on Unsplash
April showers bring May flowers, but they also bring Spring leaks. That’s why March is the perfect time to report any drips you spotted in your house during our rain season.
A drip is a pretty blatant warning sign that you’ve got a leak. You know the damage is forthcoming when you see, hear, or feel a drip coming from your roof. But there are other more nefarious signs of a leak that you may be walking past every day. Some common signs that you have a leak in your roof are:
- Water spots on ceilings or walls
- Sagging in your ceiling or walls (especially if you poke these sags and you can feel the water in them)
- Damaged, distorted, missing, or broken shingles (which may be where your leak is coming from)
- Inexplicable standing water or water stains
- Gunk in your downpipes (could be pieces of your damaged shingles)
We all get busy, and calling a roofer to get a drip checked out probably isn’t the most glamorous thing on your to-do list. But when you let a drip go, you risk the damage staying the same (best case scenario) or getting worse. Unfortunately, the damage will never get better on its own, no matter how many DIY innovations you attempt. Long-term damage to your roof might mean a total replacement rather than a quick patch fix by a professional.
Leaks are common and are probably no fault of your own. They could be caused by an HVAC system that was just too heavy, damaging the integrity of your roof. Or, it might be the weather, which is really out of our control. But calling a professional is within your power, and you should do so immediately.
Have you ever heard the saying, “Fix the roof when it’s sunny, not when it’s raining?” As much as we appreciate the figurative sense of this idiom, it’s so important to take it literally this time of year. In San Jose, our wettest months are in the Winter (December, January, and February), so it’s likely you’ve already noticed your damages. Now is the time to report a drip and get to the source before even more damage occurs next season.
With the proper support, you can get your leak fixed and prevent the damage from occurring again. Fixing the leak will surely stop any dripping, but you can also get your deck waterproofed and correct any drainage issues, so you’re not at risk again anytime soon. And though it’s a long-term commitment, getting a roof assessment to see why your roof isn’t protecting you from damage can provide you with even more options for protecting your business from water damage.
At Just Leaks roofing in San Jos, we’ve got you covered (and we mean that literally and figuratively!). Just Leaks is here for your commercial roofing needs. We specialize in leak repair, roof maintenance, and roof assessments. We’re more than happy to check out whatever drips or leaks are threatening the safety of your business. And while we’re out there, we can talk to you about waterproofing your deck or doing drainage correction on your commercial or industrial building(s). If you are interested in learning about the various roofing systems or installing a solar system on your commercial or industrial building(s), call Just Leaks at (408) 249-4646 for an in-person consultation. Or visit us online at our website or our Facebook page.